About Us
We’re a group of creative thinkers who have built an association to change the world using sport.

AFTER (Athletes for the Environment) is a non-profit association whose mission is to utilise the power of sport and athletes to induce lasting, significant and positive behavioural change to tackle critical Natural, Industrial and Social Environmental issues.

The organisation was founded officially in 2020, from past and present athletes, primarily from the World and National Olympians Associations, Surfing Federations and Athletes Commissions around the world who want to use their sporting and business network to play a key role in delivering sustainable projects that make a positive impact on the Environment.

Due to the impacts of global warming, Governments and businesses are now responding to the challenges by committing to projects that will lead to a healthier and sustainable future. AFTER see this as an opportunity to use sport as a unifying tool to drive climate awareness and help play a key role in delivering sustainable projects that make a positive impact on the Environment. In addition to athlete ambassadors championing environmental solutions, creating awareness and education in communities, AFTER also provides employment opportunities for athletes post their sporting careers.

Our vision is to develop key projects through the use of sporting networks and provide employment opportunities to Athletes and create more sustainable solutions for the environment and lasting legacies.

What we do

Our values

Unconditional respect to those around us including partners, employees, clients and to the  environment.
Committed to inspiring behaviour change and portraying our commitment to a cleaner world.
What one can't achieve, we know we can achieve together.
Empowering others to succeed through programs that provide employment opportunities.
We are passionate about a cleaner future and inspiring others around us to join.
Using the power of education to have local communities thrive in the long run.

Our goals


Working with key partners to develop waste to energy project and projects that reduce plastic waste from waterways & oceans.


Educate local communities to correctly dispose of plastic waste and take an interest in keeping waste out of our rivers and oceans


Create employment opportunities in communities and for athletes through AFTER’s athlete pairing scheme.

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